Who Are My Support Networks?
All students share common concerns when beginning a new course of study. What if I dont understand the course content? How will I cope with the pressure? What if I fail the assignment or exam?
To make a success of your time as a student, build a suitable support structure through:
- Our Supported Open Learning Model
- Your Tutor
- Telephone Tutorials
- Study Groups
- Your Employer
- Your Family & Friends
- You
Our - Supported Learning Model
A major part of the Colleges commitment to the three way partnership agreement is the support structures it offers to students. In the delivery of all of its courses the College is committed to providing you with an effective support system.
At the beginning of each year of study you are allocated a College tutor who you will telephone every module. Your tutor will:
- support you through the learning process
- offer you support and guidance in the completion of your assignment work
The College has found that students who regularly make use of telephone tutorials do better in their assignments and exams than those who do not. Students are therefore encouraged to maintain regular contact with their tutors by keeping tutorial appointments, on a regular basis, every two weeks.
The tutor and student will take part in individual tutorials dealing with the students progress in study and assignments, while monitoring work-based support, revision of study topics and local study groups. The course materials, workshop contents and assignment outlines are designed to be understood in parallel with the learning gained from tutorials. It is easy for students to misunderstand assignment tasks and go off on wrong tangents if they do not avail of tutorials regularly during the construction of each assignment. The one-to-one discussions between tutor and student can help to consolidate learning and clarify issues.
Students can have immediate access to a course team member over the telephone in case of a problem that cannot wait until the next tutorial date.
At the first workshop, the College will facilitate you in meeting people from your own area to form a study group. The local study group forms a vital resource for the students. Each group consists of two to six participants who meet regularly, usually every three weeks. The participants decide the time, location and focus of the study group. The benefits of being involved in a study group are immense. The College has found that the students who actively take part in a study group frequently do better in their assignments and often enjoy the College experience more than those who do not.
At the study group, you will meet people from different organisations and work settings. This will allow you to:
Get a broader picture of the disability sector and to gain an insight into different work practices. Become actively involved with the course. Every group member brings with them a rich experience of working within social care.
Share experiences, ideas and opinions with other participants, learning a vast amount from each other. Peer learning is a very effective and comfortable way of understanding the course material. Provide a supportive environment that can be very helpful in planning the assignments and revising study topics.
Help each other with ideas or issues they are unfamiliar with, confirming their own ideas and filling in the gaps in each others knowledge.
By taking part in the study group, you will get to experience the perspectives of different organisational members, cultures, ages, gender, etc. This can provide a very valuable resource for your studies and allow you to build on the experiences of the different group members.
If for geographic or time constraint reasons, you cannot be part of a study group, College will facilitate you joining an online study group where you can share ideas and concerns about the course and your assignment.
Your employer will provide a work-based Supervisor or Mentor; usually your line manager. This person provides practical support in facilitating your completion of work-based assignments and your professional development.
Many of the work-based assignments require the student to include information about their organisations. Supervisors are often able to facilitate learners with their assignments by supplying the relevant information they need.
As suggested by their name, work-based assignments are designed to facilitate students to integrate what they are learning with their work practice and document this for assessment. As a result, students very often need to carry out activities in the workplace and write these up as part of their assignment work. For example, a safety audit for the Health and Safety module. Supervisors can often be of assistance here by offering guidance and support.
Students need access to the telephone during work hours in order to make calls to The Open Training College for tutorials (twice a month).
Support from home is vital; your life will be easier if your family and friends are encouraging and committed to your study. Communication from the beginning will make the transition easier on everybody.
Talk with family members and friends about how the changes in your routine will create new demands on your time. How do they feel about these changes? How will they be affected? How can they help to give you the time you need for study?
Accept your limitations and recognize the learning process for everyone involved. You may have to lower your standards in one area in order to focus on this new area of your life. It will take time for others to adapt to your new life as a student.
Plan for occasions when your family and friends get your undivided attention. Look for College events that they can be a part of. Make sure you give yourself time away from College demands. Click here to learn how to manage your time.
Ask for their help: during high-anxiety times; to proofread assignments or essays; quiz you for an exam; be your presentation audience.
You are required to download and read this Student Handbook with care. At workshops, the Programme Director, Year Coordinator or Tutor will clarify any queries. Accessing and downloading this handbook constitutes an agreement between you and the College that you have read the handbook, understood the content and agree to comply with all College regulations for the duration of your time with the College. A record of you accessing and downloading this document will be made and kept in your student box.
Contact your tutor if you need further support for this area of study.
Last modified: Thursday, 18 January 2024, 2:48 PM