Using Mindmaps

A Mind Map is a graphic technique, like a roadmap, to visually layout your thoughts to allow you easily remember information. It uses words, images, numbers, logic and spatial awareness to improve learning and promote clearer thinking – a vital study tool!

How do I create a mind map?

Follow these steps to create a mind map of the next topic you study.

  1. Take an A4 piece of paper and turn it on its side (landscape).
  2.  You will need pens of varying thickness and colour, including highlighters. 
  3. Chose the topic you wish to mind map. 
  4. Gather your notes, handouts, textbooks and other information relevant to the topic. 
  5. Create a 6cm box in the middle of your page.
  6. The centre box is your topic – make it stand out so it grabs your attention, this will help with memory. 
  7. Draw branches off the topic box – write the topic subheadings on these lines. 
  8. Draw branches off the topic subheading branches and add, in slightly more detail, the main points of each subheading. 
  9. Use images, colours and a combination of upper and lower case letters to aid memory



Click here to access a free online app for creating your own mind maps.


Click here to view a site that explore mind maps as a study aid.

Last modified: Wednesday, 22 January 2025, 2:43 PM