How do I Manage My Study Environment?

Once you have created your study plan, use the following pointers to create a study environment conducive to learning:


  • It is important to create a study environment that is yours. If you work at the kitchen table that people use every day, then you will constantly be moving your books around, and you are likely to lose your work or spend so much time setting yourself up to study each day that you get very little done. Create a space that is yours either at work or home that allows you to leave your study material out and know that when you return, it will still be there!

Time of Day

  • Schedule study sessions for the time of day when you are at your most alert.

Group –v- Individual

  • Decide if you learn better by studying independently or in a group and plan accordingly.


  • Be aware of how light affects your ability to study; a poorly lit room will make you drowsy; reading in bright lights can strain your eyes.


  • Create a study environment free from constant sound; switch off the radio and TV; move away from busy doorways and windows; turn your mobile phone to the silent setting.


  • Dress in layers; air-conditioned rooms can be chilly, whereas sitting in a sunny window can be warm. Where possible, reduce the temperature to keep drowsiness away.


  • Choose a comfortable posture, relaxing and helps maintain alertness. Use a good chair that supports your back and positions you well for reading or writing, and computer work.

Please contact your tutor if you need further support for this area of study,

Last modified: Wednesday, 22 January 2025, 2:31 PM